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Being: the ideal world
Now more necessary and easier to realise than ever
The development of Being: the only way to Being

What is authenticity?

There are 2 types of authenticity, that of the ego and that of Being.

The ego is the state of being trapped by matter, by duality, by the in thoughts expressed will of feelings. Accordingly, its identity consists of the bonding to forms like dogmas being truths that govern your being and doing. Truths of the institutions church, state and science were the highest truth and thus applied as dogmas. In this time dogmas lose their authority. If this loss is complete the ego is authentic. Due to the fact that the ego is trapped by matter, by duality, by part it is separated from the singularity, the Whole, and therefore not perfectly authentic.

Being is the state of being free/loose of matter, duality, part, the in thoughts expressed will of feelings, the ego-will. Therefore it is the state that is one with the continuously changing Whole, life itself, and the Will thereof that cannot be known. This means that Being is the perfect authenticity that cannot be known.

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Is Development of Being dogmatic?

Although Development of Being consists of ending the battle between good and evil, admitting feelings and surrendering to the Will of the True Self or life itself, it is not based on the assumption that life and so Being can be engineered. Which means that it is not dogmatic. The reason is that it is not, like a dogma, focused on the (permanent) realization of a certain behavior, but on the liberation of dogmas. This means the existence of a paradox: forcing yourself to apply Development of Being results in being completely free from inner compulsion. That could still be called dogmatic. But in that case it is the only dogma that makes you completely free of dogmas.

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Can Being be arrogant?

Arrogant means conceited, means pretending to be more perfect than you are.

The ego is the conscious state of being separated from the Whole, from unity, from life itself, from God. Being is the conscious state of being one with this. So the ego is being imperfect. Being is being perfect. Based on this only the ego can pretend to be more than it is, can be arrogant. Being cannot.

Because of its imperfection the ego tries to become perfect by judging others as arrogant and so as imperfect. That judgment is a projection of the own imperfection. This projection helps the ego to look in the mirror, to become conscious about itself, about being ego. This helps to liberate oneself of the ego and so realise Being.

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What is the perfect leader?

We are always looking for better and so ultimately for perfection. Why? Because we are trapped in matter, in the duality, in the part, in the by thoughts expressed will of our feelings. And so separated from the singularity, the whole, life itself, nature, God and the Will thereof. In other words, because we are our ego (not to be confused with personality). See.

This means that we are a perfect person and consequently a perfect leader when we are no longer separated, when we are whole and are governed by the Will thereof.

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Are religious expressions the Will of God?

The ego is separated from God and his Will. Moreover, the ego is trapped in matter, in form. Therefore the ego can only identify God with religious expressions or forms as headscarves, ritual slaughter, going to church, etc. But being one with God, which is Being, is not a way of doing so, is not a form. As long as people have not realised their Being their religious expression is the will of their ego (the known will) and not the Will of God (the unknown Will). Noted that also the will of the ego is determined by God. This with the intention to make man aware of the fact that he is determined by his ego and the will thereof and so not by God's Will. And further noting that the Will of Being, of God, can express manifestations which are similar to religious manifestations. The big difference is that, in contrary to Being, the ego identifies itself with, is attached to, its manifestations and acts from inner disharmony instead of harmony. This is why the ego causes misery such as religious wars, killing infidels, witches, gays, adulterers, offenders of the Prophet, etc.

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